I haven't used DGP, but I believe it's available here. There are so many things can help, it's a case of researching and going with your gut on what feels right for your dog.
Sian, Stock Nutrition I'm sure would post to you, Belgium is EU after all
They say "quotes for overseas shipping of goods is available by request." And there may be other supplements with the same ingreds available where you are.
Here's what I did for my oldie a few years ago, may be something helpful in it. Not extensive though, I'm always learning more.
What worked for my old lady dog was Runaround from Stock Nutrition, which is Green Lipped Mussel, Shark Cartilage, Vitamins C & E. Within 5 days on that, she was trotting a couple of miles, with no trace of a limp, having previously only been able to stagger to the end of the road on very shaky pins, where she was lying down to watch the traffic while on Metacam.
She was great on the Runaround for a couple of years. Then her legs got worse again and I added in Garlic, Greenleaf Tablets from Denes, Osteotrace tablets from ARONHA, got her a magnetic collar, used crystals – Blue Lace Agate to start with, and others, she also had Acupuncture for months, but I eventually stopped that and did acupressure on her myself after having been shown by an Acupuncturist how and where would be most beneficial. These were all added in at various times as the need arose. She also latterly had Reiki which helped enormously and I believe gave her an extra 6 months with me.
There are loads of natural products and therapies out there which I am sure would help enormously. The trick is, as ever, finding the right thing for YOUR dog, which is where your gut comes in – you’ll know what’s right.
Homeopathy can also work wonders. Hannah just didn’t want it, she preferred herbs etc. The book which helped me a lot and sent me in various correct directions for Hannah is - Natural Healthcare for Pets by Richard Allport (available from the library). He covers a wide range of natural therapies and is based in Potters Bar, he’s one of the top Natural Vets.
Had I kept Hannah on Metacam, she would have been dead by 12 as the Vet prophesied, but once I changed her to natural treatments she was MUCH happier, healthier, fitter and had a much greater quality of life. She lived to 15 years and 6½ weeks!
Runaround is available from Stock Nutrition
www.doghealth.co.uk Phone 08000 744302 They are very helpful.
Denes website is
www.denes.com Phone 01273 325364 They also have a range of Factsheets which they will send out free of charge very quickly if you ask. They’re also very helpful.
I know Glucosamine can be great too.Some other products I believe can be helpful are :
www.aviform.co.uk I know someone who has used this very successfully with her Weimaraners.
Ease by Phytopet 01244 813162 email info@phytopet.co.uk
Deer Velvet
www.velvetenergy.com Copper Collars help some dogs, but obviously not at the same time as a magnetic one!
Fish oil can help too.
Vit C
Vit E
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrotherapyetc, etc, etc............
Nowadays the first thing I'd do would be make the diet as natural as possible, cut out any chemicals, add in garlic, vits, fish oils etc and go from there.
Does your vet test regularly that the Metacam is not doing any damage? I only discovered recently that they should -
www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=1752 “A dog that is potentially a candidate for long term use of meloxicam (Metacam) should have a complete examination by the veterinarian, a screening blood panel to establish baseline biochemical values, and ideally some kind of recheck testing two weeks after starting meloxicam. This is because most adverse reactions, unusual as they may be, occur within this initial time frame and it is important that they be recognized before they get out of hand. After this initial period, complete blood panels should be screened every six months, an important step with any medication for long term use, not just the NSAIDs. .....”
Mine never did, in fact he told me there were NO side effects! Actually it blooming nearly killed her by giving her severe colitis, so do be careful if she has any gastric upset start. Hopefully she'll be fine.